Email is one of the main channels of communication between you and your clients.
The closing of an email is often overlooked so we decided to put together a handy list of ways to close and sign off an email for a number of different occasions.
Why not keep this list somewhere safe and refer back to it when you’re writing emails? It will impress your clients and save you time!
English | Formal | More Informal |
Open ending | We look forward to your reply. | Looking forward to hearing from you. |
Helpful closing | Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you have any further questions. Please do let us know if we can be of any further assistance. | Do let us know if you have any other questions. Please do let us know if you need anything else. |
Apology | Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this has caused. | I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. |
Open to opinions | If you have any thoughts you would like to share on anything we’ve mentioned, please do let us know. | We would love to hear your thoughts. |
Weekend/holiday closing | We wish you a relaxing weekend. We wish you a relaxing break and happy holidays. | Have a great weekend! Happy Holidays! |
Urgent answer needed | Please respond at your earliest convenience. | Please get back to us as soon as you can. |
Thank you | We would once again like to thank you for your assistance in this matter. | Thank you very much for all your help. |
Email Sign-Off | Sincerely, Best regards, Kind regards, | Best wishes, All the best, Many thanks, |
German | |
Open ending | Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Rückmeldung. |
Helpful closing | Bitte zögern Sie nicht, uns bei weiteren Fragen nochmals zu kontaktieren. Wir stehen Ihnen bei weiteren Fragen gerne zur Verfügung. |
Apology | Wir entschuldigen uns für etwaige entstandene Unannehmlichkeiten. |
Open to opinions | Wir würden uns freuen, Ihre Meinungen zu hören. |
Weekend/holiday closing | Wir wünschen Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende. Schöne Feiertage! |
Email Sign-Off | Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Herzliche Grüße, Viele Grüße, |
French | |
Open ending | En attente d’une réponse de votre part. Nous attendons votre réponse avec impatience. |
Helpful closing | N’hésitez pas á nous contacter si vous avez d’autres questions. |
Apology | Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour tout inconvénient. |
Weekend/holiday closing | Bonne fin de semaine. Joyeuses fêtes! |
Email Sign-Off | Meilleures salutations, Bien cordialement, Cordialement, |
Italian | |
Open ending | In attesa di una Sua pronta risposta. Resto in attesa di un suo riscontro. |
Helpful closing | Se possiamo esserle di ulteriore aiuto, non esiti a contattarci. |
Apology | Ci scusiamo per il disagio. |
Weekend/holiday closing | Buon fine settimana. Buone feste! |
Email Sign-Off | Cordiali saluti, Distinti saluti, Cordialità, |
Spanish | |
Open ending | Esperamos su respuesta. |
Helpful closing | No dude en contactarme si tiene cualquier pregunta. Quedamos a su disposición para cualquier aclaración. |
Apology | Pedimos disculpas por las molestias ocasionadas. |
Weekend/holiday closing | Buen fin de semana. Felices fiestas! |
Email Sign-Off | Saludos cordiales, Atentamente, Un cordial saludo, |
Polish | |
Open ending | Czekam na Pana odpowiedź. |
Helpful closing | W razie jakiejkolwiek potrzeby, proszę nas poinformować. |
Apology | Przepraszamy za niedogodności. |
Weekend/holiday closing | Miłego weekendu. Wesołych Świąt! |
Email Sign-Off | Z poważaniem, Pozdrawiam, |