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10 Beautiful German words everyone should start using


German is a beautiful language that has a lot of words that cannot be translated into English unless you’re describing them (which I will do below). There are no equivalent words in the English language, which makes them a lot more special. You can find my favourites below.




Das Fingerspitzengefühl

The feeling in your fingertips

To have empathy with other people

Die Schnapsidee

A liquor-idea

Either an amazing idea you have when drunk, or an idea that seems sostupid that the person who thought of it must have been intoxicated!

Die Waldeinsamkeit

The forest-loneliness

The feeling you get when you are alone in the wild, with just naturearound you.


Gate-shut panic

The feeling that time is running out, often for a life goal such as havingchildren or finding ‘the one’.


Beauty sleep

When someone or something is not responding to you – or showing littlesign of action.



Feeling warm, cosy, relaxed and comfortable. For example, sitting bya warm fire with some friends.



Someone who is pretending to be friendly and nice, but is actually verysneaky and coy.



To be ashamed in somebody elses place, for example when your friend sayssomething stupid, and you stand next to them being ashamed in their place.



A brilliant response or comeback you think of after you have walked awayand are ‘halfway down the stairs’.


Malicious pleasure

To take joy in somebody else’s pain or misfortune. For example, whenthe kid you never liked at school got punished by the teacher.

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