Whilst it may seem like the events of the past year have led to European countries becoming increasingly distant from one another, the world is actually becoming a much smaller place. Social networking, advances in technology and the speed and cost of modern travel have all contributed to that word we hear so often – ‘globalisation’. And no matter how big or small your business may be, the opportunities for its growth are never-ending. So what role does translation have to play in all this? Well, it turns out a pretty crucial one… Have a look at why translation is more important than ever for the success of your business.
Contrary to popular belief, not everyone speaks English. And whilst it might be the most widely spoken second language, this doesn’t mean second-language learners of English don’t want to hear/see/read their native languages. Reaching out to potential customers and clients in their own languages has numerous benefits – your business automatically becomes more personal, more trustworthy and more engaging! In fact, a Common Sense Advisory survey of consumers in 10 countries, whose first language was not English, revealed that 75% of those consumers preferred to buy from companies that communicate with them in their native language, and 60% said they never, or only rarely, buy from English-only websites (Germany was one of the countries surveyed and we all know that most Germans can speak English pretty well!)
Through interacting with foreign clients and customers, you’re likely to learn a lot about what your business needs and how you can improve. Maybe you’ll discover something that is desired in other countries that you aren’t aware of – take Volkswagen as an example; apparently the German car maker didn’t quite understand why you’d need a cup holder in your car, but when they realised that American sales weren’t doing so well, the addition of the cup holder made a big difference! Learning what your target customers and clients need, want and expect is crucial if your business is going to succeed on a global scale.
The global market scene is always changing and it’s important that you and your business change with it. Take a minute to think how the language of the World Wide Web has shifted in just the past ten years or so… English used to dominate websites and the majority of internet users were also English-speaking, but times have changed and the internet is becoming more accessible all over the world, which means that other languages are more in demand now than ever before. Grassroots movements, bloggers and online communities have all contributed to web surfers embracing content in their own languages rather than just making do with that same content in English.
So it’s clear that times are changing and while Brits might be reluctant to learn foreign languages, translation is more of a business necessity than ever before. So how can we help you take those crucial steps to getting your message, products and ideas out there? At Tongue Tied we translate content into and out of any language, so no matter where in the world your target audience is, we’ll always have a translator who will be able to help. And that translator will also be based in the country where your business is going to be seen, so they’ll know exactly what your audience will want and expect. Our translators also specialise in a number of areas – from tourism to marketing, finance to medicine – whatever the focus of your business, we’ll be able to provide an experienced and knowledgeable translator to make complete sense of the content you need translating.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like a quote or more information: http://tongue-tied-nw.co.uk/contacts/, and we’d love to hear your thoughts on anything we’ve talked about in this newsletter!
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